What I'm Doing Now
This is an overview of things I am doing now based on the ideas of https://sive.rs/now
I am working on the /wettanbieter module on l-iz.de - it will be content targeting many keywords around gambling in Germany & Austria.
I am trying to spend as much time with the people I love as I can and try to focus all my time on her, and for example, when I am with her, never use my phone but give her all my attention.
I am going to start a sweepstakes site in US.
I will be finishing one game per month
I am doing Muay Thai four times per week.
I am eating a high-protein, low-sugar diet.
I am doing an Austrian online broker website and affiliate module.
I am going outside and breathing every single day.
I am learning and working towards becoming a better and more "relaxed" driver.
I am buying one more apartment in Stuttgart / Graz.